AM3D Zirene® Sound [MAGISK][AUDMODLIB][v2.3]

Assalamualaikum wr,wb [AndroidL1412]

This is the AM3D Zirene Sound ported from a Sharp ROM. This should work on all devices (starting from Android 4.3) since it is a software effect. It might conflict with other effects you've already installed. However, it has been extensively tested working alongside ViPER4Android, Maxxaudio, and Dolby Atmos on several ROM/device combinations. Flash the zip, it will edit and patch (not overwrite) your audio_effects.conf. If youre using massive placebo audio mods and this doesnt work, refrain from telling me it doesn't work on .

Link Download :
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AM3D Zirene® Sound [MAGISK][AUDMODLIB][v2.3]+ MBGoogle Drive

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Dan Terima Kasih atas kunjungannya
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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